Safety and security in our community is very important to the HMBCA. A dedicated Director of Safety and Security sits on the Board of Directors.

Crime Prevention

Crime Prevention is everyone's job. We've collected a list of excellent resources to help members keep our community safe for all.

Ottawa Police

The Ottawa Police has a comprehensive list of safety and prevention tips on their website for Personal Safety and Home & Neighbourhood Safety. Visit their website now to read this important safety information.

They have also provided these helpful documents:

Crime Prevention Ottawa Toolkit

This Neighbourhood Toolkit provides ideas, information and resources to help you make your neighbourhood a better place to live. We all have a role to play in making our communities safer, friendlier and more liveable. We hope this Toolkit can help you achieve those goals, and that it will encourage more people to feel empowered, to be engaged and to take responsibility for the wellbeing of their communities. Having a safe and happy neighbourhood is about a better quality of life for everyone.

Visit the Crime Prevention Ottawa Toolkit online.


The Half Moon Bay area is home to a pack or two of wild coyotes. They can typically be heard at night in the Western portion of the area, towards Cedarview Road. Learn more about how to protect yourself from coyotes here.