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New to Barrhaven Marketplace

... as seen on the Barrhaven BIA ...

Curious about what the construction is all about in the Loblaws parking lot? Here is a list of who is moving in to Barrhaven Marketplace:

  • Chatters Salons
  • Fiazza
  • New Look Optical
  • Tommy Guns Barbershop
  • Paramount Fine Foods
  • Meridian
  • Firehouse Subs Canada

Other developments in the area includes new construction in the Citigate Mall near Costco!

  • East Side Mario's
  • Burrito Gring? Mexican Grill
  • Montana's Cookhouse & Saloon
  • Physiotherapy
  • Full service spa

The HMBCA will continue to follow updates on these new developments. Be sure to follow the blog for recent developments and the community hashtag #MyBarrhaven for live updates!

Greenbank Road Widening (Malvern to Strandherd) Detour

Heads up drivers!

Greenbank Road between Berrigan and Malvern will be closed from 11pm Saturday February 7 to 1pm Sunday February 8 as they complete and open the detour road that will be in place for a couple of years.

This detour road is located adjacent to existing Greenbank over the VIA tracks as the city begins construction of an underpass as part of the Greenbank Road widening project.

Learn more information about the Greenbank Road widening project on the City of Ottawa's website.

Final Paving of Jockvale and Cambrian Roads Underway

The final paving of Jockvale Road will begin today. The work will occur on Jockvale Road from Riverstone Drive to Cambrian Road, and Cambrian Road from Jockvale Road to Greenbank Road, including the newly constructed two-lane roundabout.

No paving work will begin prior to 9 a.m. to avoid disruption to commuters during peak periods. No paving work will occur on Cambrian Road, between Greenbank Road and Kilbernie/Tucana Road until after 4 p.m. to mitigate any disruptions to the local school.

During the paving of the Jockvale roundabout, traffic will be controlled with the use of flag persons and police, and paving of the roundabout will not start until 9 a.m. All paving work is expected to be completed by September 6, 2013, weather permitting.

One lane of traffic in each direction will be maintained on Jockvale Road and on Cambrian Road at all times. Motorists can expect delays as there will be lane closures implemented to complete this work.

The Jockvale Road Widening is a $23.975 million project that will see Jockvale Road go from two to four lanes and will see new storm sewers, catch basins, roundabouts and two new bridges over the Jock River built. For more information, visit

This construction is an Ottawa on the Move project. Ottawa on the Move is about keeping our community and economy moving forward through strategic investments in a number of transportation, water, and sewer projects to build a better city and create jobs.

*This content is courtesy of  our city councillor Jan Harder's Facebook Page