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Parks & Development

Post regarding parks and recreation programs available in the Half Moon Bay community area.

Park Safety: We want your feedback

This week the issue of lighting in our parks has been brought up due to an unfortunate event at Half Moon Bay Park. The community has made it clear that violence in our community will not be tolerated and we are all thinking about how we can make our parks safer moving forward.

The Half Moon Bay Community Association wants to help find a solution. We're asking members of the community to submit your feedback to We want to hear your safety concerns and ideas; please keep them constructive.

The submissions will be discussed by the HMBCA Board of Directors with the hope of identifying actions items that we can discuss with the City of Ottawa and Ottawa Police.

Everybody deserves to feel safe in their community and we are committed to working with all Half Moon Bay residents to make this happen.

- HMBCA Board of Directors

Half Moon Bay Public Elementary School Notice of Public Consultation Meeting

OCDSBLogoGrade, Program and Attendance Boundary for New Half Moon Bay Elementary School

Over the past few months a locally-formed working group, including a representative from the Half Moon Bay Community Association, has been meeting to discuss potential accommodation proposals associated with the September 2016 opening of a new elementary school in the Half Moon Bay area of South Nepean (3525 River Run Avenue).

A Public Consultation Meeting will be held to seek feedback on a proposed plan. Input will assist staff in developing their recommendations to the Board on:

  • the grade structure, program offering and attendance boundary for the new school;
  • the potential expansion of grade structures at Barrhaven Public School, Chapman Mills Public School, Jockvale Elementary School, and Mary Honeywell Elementary School to Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6;
  • the potential change to a 7 to 8 only grade structure at Cedarview Middle School;
  • potential attendance boundary revisions to help alleviate accommodation pressures at Mary Honeywell Elementary School; and
  • the potential introduction of a second Middle French Immersion (MFI) program in South Nepean.

Please plan to attend this important meeting:

Thursday October 29, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
Chapman Mills Public School, Gymnasium
260 Leamington Way

At the meeting there will be a brief presentation by Board staff, followed by a Q&A session. Staff will be available to answer questions on an individual basis following the meeting. An information package providing details of the study and the proposals will be available at the meeting.

Read additional information about the new HMB school on the OCDSB website.

New Catholic Elementary School to open in Half Moon Bay South in Fall 2016

spencer-warrenA new Ottawa Catholic School Board JK-6 Half Moon Bay South Elementary School is scheduled to open in September 2016 confirmed OCSB Zone 4 Trustee Spencer Warren.

Construction is anticipated to begin in the summer of 2015 at a site located at the intersection of River Mist Road and Soldats-Riendeau Street (2525 River Mist Rd.). Funding for this new school was approved by the Ministry of Education in January 2013.

The school hours have not yet been determined. Information related to this school's development will be posted on the OCSB website.

Half Moon Bay Public School Update

OCDSBLogoUpdate from the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board related to the opening of a new elementary school for September 2016 in the Half Moon Bay Community, at the northeast corner of River Run Avenue and Riverboat Heights

A study working group made up of Principals, school council representatives, community association representatives, and Board Planning staff was formed in March 2015. Over the course of three meetings held this spring, good progress has been made on the following topics.

  • The group is focusing on a plan which would see the new building open as a dual-track English and Early French Immersion Program school serving students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6. The attendance area for the new school would include all of the Half Moon Bay Community and the Stonebridge West neighborhood (west of Jockvale Road).
  • A potential revision of future grade structures at Barrhaven Public School, Chapman Mills Public School, Jockvale Elementary School, and Mary Honeywell Elementary School to Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 is being examined. This would result in uniform JK to 6 grade structures for all elementary schools serving students in South Nepean.
  • Solutions to alleviate current and future accommodation pressures at Cedarview Middle School and Mary Honeywell Elementary School are also being discussed.
  • An examination of the possible introduction of a second Middle French Immersion Program site in South Nepean, to be located at either Barrhaven Public School or Jockvale Elementary School, and feeding to Cedarview Middle School, is taking place as well.

A Public Consultation Meeting to receive community input regarding the study and resulting proposals is tentatively scheduled to take place in October 2015. Final decisions for the study are scheduled to be made by Board in December 2015.

For further updates and information regarding the study, please visit the Quick Links section of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board website at and click on New Half Moon Bay Elementary School.

New Half Moon Bay Public Elementary School Update

OCDSBLogoOver the past few weeks HMBCA Director of Public Relations Ryan Knuth has been attending the new Half Moon Bay Elementary School Grade, Program and Attendance Boundary Study on behalf of the Half Moon Bay community.

The following information is courtesy of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board:

In April 2014, the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (Board) received capital funding for the construction of the new Half Moon Bay elementary school. The new school's capacity is expected to be 674 pupil places.

In May 2013, the Board acquired an elementary school site in the Half Moon Bay community located at the northwest corner of River Run Avenue and Riverboat Heights. Construction of the new school is anticipated to commence in the spring to early summer of 2015 and be completed in time for a September 2016 opening.

On the evening of Tuesday, February 24th, 2015 the Board approved a consultation plan and timeline which commenced in March 2015.

The consultation process involves the creation of a working group which consists of two representatives from each study area school (Barrhaven PS, Chapman Mills PS, Jockvale ES, Mary Honeywell ES and Cedarview PS), board staff, as well as representatives from local community associations (Half Moon Bay, Hearts Desire and Stonebridge).

The working group has met twice thus far and will continue to meet throughout the Spring of 2015 at various local schools. The goal of the working group is to come to a consensus regarding accommodation options to be presented at a Public Consultation Meeting where further community input will be sought. The public meeting is tentatively scheduled to take place in October 2015, with final decisions to be made by Board in late 2015.

Although the main focus of the consultation process will be to set the new school's program, grade structure, and attendance area, a number of other key issues will be examined.

The possibility of revising the grade structures of elementary schools which feed to Cedarview Middle School will be looked at. This change was discussed during the 2011 review and would result in uniform JK-6 grade structure for all South Nepean elementary schools. This change would also help alleviate growing enrolment pressures at Cedarview Middle School.

The study will also examine the potential for introducing a new Middle French Immersion program at a second South Nepean school in the future. This change would provide more localized access to the program for students residing in the western portion of the community and help to better balance enrolments.

At this point in time, the working group has examined a number of options which have included varying attendance areas and grade structures for the new school. The preferred option currently is one where the new facility would be a JK-6 dual-track school offering both English and EFI programs, and would have an attendance boundary which serves all of Half Moon Bay and Stonebridge West. Under this option, Cedarview MS would become a Grade 7-8 middle school. All of its feeder elementary schools would become JK-6 schools.