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Parks & Development

Post regarding parks and recreation programs available in the Half Moon Bay community area.

Park News July 3, 2012

With the warm weather here we are all looking forward to the development of the new parks slated for Half Moon Bay.

Half Moon Bay Park

Construction of the Half Moon Bay Park is underway. Bulldozers are making way for the splash pad, play area, gazebo, and puddle rink on the West side of the park. The soccer pitch will be located in the centre of the park (ready next year) and the toboggan hill will be located on the South East corner of the park near Cambrian and Greenbank. Don Maynard is the winning artist in the Half Moon Bay Park public art competition. Maynard’s sculpture titled Falling Star, will reside at the top of the park’s toboggan hill.

Jan Harder has notified the community that the contractor working on the much anticipated Half Moon Bay Park has notified the community that building the tennis courts this year would be approximately $50,000 less than if we wait until 2016 or 2017 when Greenbank Roadis re-aligned with the new bridge. This means that in addition to portions of the park being ready by August the tennis courts will be ready by September (weather permitting). Grass will be planted in the spring of 2013.

Jan Harder’s staff will be in touch with residents concerned about parking on Grand Vista in particular to set up a meeting with traffic staff.

Tucana Park

The development plans for Tucana Park to be located on Tucana  Way are delayed until early August.  The expected completion date is still late September, weather permitting. This park will have a preschool and school age play areas and gazebo on the West section of the park and space for a puddle rink in the centre. Trees and shrubs will be planted throughout the park and grass will be planted next year.

Half Moon Bay Park area along the Jock River East of Greenbank

This is a flood plain and as such will be allowed to remain in its natural state. Following the closing of Greenbank in 2016.Half Moon Bay Drive will be extended west along the river and this property between Half Moon Bay Drive and the Jock River will also be natural parkland. An access point for a parking area and canoe launch will be located approximately where the present Greenbank  Road meets the river.

Freshwater Parkette

A new parkette on Freshwater Way is under development now. This park is paid for by the developer and will have a puddle rink in the winter.

Barrhaven South Recreation Complex Public Information Session

Barrhaven South Recreation Complex (BSRC) Please plan to drop by an information session that staff will be holding to discuss the planned components BSRC Play Area, South Plaza and Skate Park Area.

The session will take place on Thursday, May 17 from 7 to 9pm at the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority Headquarters 3889 Rideau Valley Drive (corner of Rideau Valley / Jockvale and Prince of Wales).

The session will begin with a presentation from the design team followed by Q & A. Please attend and provide your input.

For more information, please contact Kevin Wherry, Planner, 613-580-2424 ext. 24350

Half Moon Bay Park – Tennis Courts update

This is a letter from Jan Harder regarding the Half Moon Bay Park

dated Monday, April 23, 2012

Dear Neighbours,

The contractor working on the much anticipated Half Moon Bay Park has asked that we consider building the tennis courts this year, as the cost to do so would be approximately $50,000 less than if we wait until 2016 or 2017 when Greenbank Road is re-aligned with the new bridge etc.  This cost savings does not include the ever-rising cost of fuel.

To remind you, there will be two tennis courts only with an allowed maximum of eight players at any one time.  The intent was to build a temporary parking lot to address parking needs for the soccer field,  however the field, which as you may recall is not a full scale field but a soccer "pitch", will not be available for play for a minimum of two-years.

Neighbours on Grand Vista  Circle and Fallingwater Circle have expressed very valid concerns regarding parking on their streets by people wanting to access the park.  Traffic staff have met with residents and have offered to install appropriate measures/signage that those living on either street will have the opportunity to agree to. That has not changed.

What has changed is that given the financial benefits of completing the tennis courts this year, the City will be informing the contractor to commence the work.  As well my staff will be in touch with residents concerned about parking on Grand Vista in particular to set up a meeting with traffic staff.

This means that in addition to portions of the park will be ready by the end of July beginning of August the tennis courts should be ready by mid-August to the beginning of September (weather permitting).

Should you have any questions please do contact Louise Cerveny at or 613-580-2424 x20047. And as always please do not hesitate to contact my office at the coordinates below with your questions or concerns regarding any Barrhaven matters.

Download the original letter

Thank you,

Jan Harder

City Councillor – Barrhaven

Strandherd-Armstrong bridge’s future now in the hands of city’s bonding company

OTTAWA — Construction of the Strandherd-Armstrong bridge is now in the hands of the city’s bonding company, which is coming up with a plan to complete the project, say city officials.

It remains unclear how much of an effect the original contractor’s default on the $48-million project will have on the project’s timelines. The bridge was expected to be completed late this year, but work stalled when the contractor, ConCreate USL of Bolton, Ont., went into receivership last month with about 60 per cent of the work done.

The city has since turned to its $23-million performance bond in order to have the bridge completed “as quickly as possible” by the bonding company, The Guarantee Company of North America.

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