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HMBCA Board Announcement

We are growing! I am happy to announce two new additions to the HMBCA Board of Directors. Caryn Christie is our new Director of Safety & Security and Brigitte Zwicker is our new Director of Member Services. We really appreciate your time and commitment to our community! Please join me in welcoming them and supporting them in this new venture!


Clean up our Parks!

Cleaning the Capital

This year, our Cleaning the Capital will be held on

April 29, 2017 from 9:30 am - 11:00 am (Rain Date: May 6)

Come show your community pride by volunteering to help clean up our parks!

You may register to be a team lead or volunteer for any of the community parks by contacting or commenting on the event created on our facebook page.

Annual HMBCA Easter Egg Hunt!!

EEH 2017 Poster

Join us for an event filled with family fun! The little ones can enjoy searching for Easter Eggs in exchange for a treat! Come meet your neighbours and enjoy a morning of springtime smiles!