The Official Plan and Zoning for 3311 Greenbank Road will be considered by the City of Ottawa Planning Committee on Tuesday, March 27, 2018.

The Planning Committee meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the Champlain Room, City Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa. You are welcome to attend the meeting and present your views.

Attached is a copy of the report outlining the Departmental recommendations, including a copy of the proposed Official Plan Amendment.

The Planning Committee will consider any written submissions in respect to this matter if provided to the Committee Co-ordinator of the Planning Committee at 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, K1P 1J1 or by fax at 613-580-9609 or by e-mail at

If you wish to speak to the Committee please call the Committee Coordinator, Melody Duffenais at 613-580-2424, extension 20113 in advance of the meeting and preferably, by at least 4:30 p.m. on the day before the meeting.

If you wish to listen to this meeting via audiocast on, you may do so by accessing the URL below when the meeting is underway:


The Official Plan amendment seeks to amend the South Nepean Secondary Plan (Area 7) by amending policies related to the road network, sidewalks, right-of-way and setback requirements.

The requested Official Plan amendment proposes the following:

  • Elimination of a portion of Half Moon Bay Drive on all relevant schedules, acknowledging the conflict with clearance of this road under the approved bridge design
  • Modification to Schedule 4 to reflect the elimination of a portion of Half Moon Bay Drive as per above, and the on-road cycling route adjacent to the proposed multi- use pathway within the district park.
  • Policy 4.1 (6) to amend the requirement that buildings must be developed with a substantial portion of any visible front façade from a public street to increase distance from five metres of the property to six metres.
  • Policy 5.2 (2) Table 4, referenced in the secondary plan but found within the South Nepean Town Centre Community Design Plan (CDP), to amend the requirement that all Local Residential Streets throughout the Town Centre have a 20-metre right-of-way (ROW). Streets 2 to 5, shown in Document 4, are currently designed with an 18-metre ROW.
  • Policy 5.3(1) requiring that all streets have sidewalks on both sides. Streets 2 to 6 are proposed to have a sidewalk on one side.

The current zoning on the properties is Development Reserve (DR). The DR zone is a temporary designation for lands that are reserved for future development. This designation allows for a limited range of uses to preserve the future development potential of the site. Permitted uses under this designation include uses such as a forestry operation, a single detached dwelling, a park and agricultural.

The requested Zoning By-law amendment proposes to introduce the following zones:

  • Residential, Third Density, Subzone Z, with a site-specific exception (R3Z[xxxx]) to allow the development of a subdivision consisting of multiple, street-oriented townhomes
  • Residential, Fourth Density, R4 with a site-specific exception (R4Z[xxxx]) to allow the potential development of a low-rise apartment building
  • Open Space, Subzone One (O1) to establish a district park